How does our diet affect animal welfare?
A FOUR PAWS nutrition guide
Our dietary habits affect billions of farm animals' lives: Worldwide, Worldwide, an estimated 80 billion animals are farmed for human consumption every year. If we do not change our dietary habits, the demand will continue to increase.
When it comes to factory farming, unfortunately, breeding, husbandry, transport and slaughter are not species-appropriate.
However, the good news is that through our individual food choices every one of us can take action and positively influence animal welfare. The more conscious we are about what we eat and what we buy, the better chance we have to reduce animal suffering in agriculture.
As part of an animal-friendly diet, FOUR PAWS recommends the 3Rs principle, which stands for Reduce, Refine and Replace. The principle is a practical guide for a step-by-step approach in one's daily diet.
Reduce, Refine & Replace. Three steps towards an animal-friendly diet.
The decision to change one's eating habits is a very personal one. Below, FOUR PAWS gives practical tips on how the 3Rs principle can be easily implemented in everyday life.
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