Interview with John Bayley from Cashew catering
Secret insights from a compassionate catering service
Are you planning a feast or an animal-friendly event, but you don’t want to spend so much time in the kitchen? A catering service might be a good option to take into consideration then.
The UK catering service “Cashew” offers sustainable, plant-based, and healthy foods for any occasion. We've asked the proprietor John Bayley about their cooking secrets, mouthwatering dishes, and experiences they've made as a compassionate catering service.
Cashews are both healthy and versatile. It sounds like the perfect reflection of your catering service! How did you come up with the name ‘Cashew’?
Where and how do you source your ingredients for the dishes you prepare?
What is your secret in balancing your creativity, with taste, and never run out of ideas?
I think it’s fair to say that most chefs run out of ideas from time to time – so I’d be lying if I said I didn’t! However, we are definitely bombarded with ideas, flavours, ingredients and far away tastes – so (to be fair) it’s fairly easy nowadays to pick up a magazine, walk into a shop and find something you haven’t really used before and create something new!